Happy New Year!
As we are writing this, 2021 is drawing to a close.
It has been a funny year - starting in another lockdown but ending up with us being able to get back out & about in events & venues - even if a couple of them were cancelled.
We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to those people who make what we do possible - Nicci at NK Photography who takes the photos of our originals, Chris & the team at Bench Hut Design & Print (new to us this year, as our previous printers closed), who print our artwork & cards, Alan & the team at Muggins who print our mugs, coasters & tote bags.
And to Fiona who runs the Pop Up Shop Yarm and Amanda from the Pop Up Shop Stokesley - thank you for enabling us and so many small business to trade on the high street.
It has been lovely to meet so many new traders this year and we have enjoyed spending the day in either Pop Up Shop with you. As one of them said recently, "when you go to an event and your friends are there on other stalls, it isn't like work at all!" We love the fact that running art & soul has brought some amazing friends into our lives.
Thank to our customers, friends, Facebook likers, Instagram followers and anyone else reading this. Your support means so much to us - every like/comment/share does make a big difference and we really appreciate it.
Finally and possibly importantly, there are two young people whose support and love is overwhelming. Their acceptance that sometimes the dining room looks like a store room, that Dad is often found sketching or painting, that Mum goes from head in her laptop to packing up orders, collecting stock, replying to messages whilst cooking tea etc is just amazing. Their help in unpacking the car on a cold rainy evening, their help at an event and just bringing us a cup of tea means the world, thanks xx